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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Accumulated diseases from consumption

Accumulated diseases from consumption The disease of collecting It is a disease caused by the accumulation of excess food. (Because you eat too much until your body can’t use it all) Excessive stress Excessive toxins from the environment, etc., which are beyond the body’s ability

Pumpkin slows down deteriorating eyesight

Pumpkin slows down deteriorating eyesight Eye deterioration does not only occur in the elderly, but can be found in all genders and all ages. Due to people living in the online world for a long time in this era, a food that helps nourish eyesight

Tofu a healthy food that has a lifespan of more than 400 years.

Tofu a healthy food that has a lifespan of more than 400 years. Traditional Japanese food always seems to go hand in hand with the image of healthy food. Both in terms of simplicity, minimal cooking, emphasizing the flavor of the ingredients. and blending until

The story of gout

The story of gout Food is closely related to health. As the saying goes, you are what you eat or how you eat is what you eat. Nowadays, many people are turning their attention and paying more attention to food. Because I know that if

5 ways to wake up and not feel sleepy

Many people probably face the problem of having to wake up early and rush to work or school, but wake up and feel drowsy. I want to sleep for another 5 minutes. I feel exhausted. If you don’t look bright, we have 5 ways to wake up and not

6 foods that help you sleep easily

For girls who are having trouble sleeping Or have problems waking up in the middle of the night? Today we will invite you to learn about 6 foods that help you fall asleep quickly. Helps to sleep deeply and sleep soundly and efficiently Importantly, these foods also help the body to receive

You should avoid when eating chocolate while losing weight

Chocolate may help you lose weight , but it’s not a recipe for losing weight quickly and easily. There are just a few ways that chocolate may help you reach your weight loss goals. If you like to eat chocolate You can eat chocolate in moderation as part of your weight

5 immediate benefits from drinking water

Water is essential to the human body. The body needs water to nourish the organs and systems within the body to function efficiently. Drinking water after waking up has many benefits as follows: The amount of water you should drink after waking up The amount of water you